Thursday, October 31, 2013

When The Cup of Your Life is Crushed

This week two of my favorite people took their final breaths and went home. Sunday morning my treasured papa, and Sunday evening my sweet friend.

They say when you receive news like this that the world stops. I never really understood that until now. When you get that phone call nothing else matters.

My Papa has been sick for so long. It's different to come home and talk about all of the sweet memories with him instead of the new health problem he is having. I'm realizing how much I treasure the memories I had with him. Being the only grandchild to spend time with him before he got sick is a precious thing, and I cherish every minute of it. One of my favorite memories with him was when we would pack a snack in my pink lunch box and go to the park. I don't know what we talked about, or what we did,but I remember I loved it. Or how he would walk around the house singing.Or his garden that he always kept so pristine. He never met a stranger, and he wanted everyone that he met to know that they were loved by Jesus. The more I learn about him and his past, the more I am inspired.

When I got the call about Tony, I was utterly shocked. Tony was one of the most loving people I have ever known. He loved so incredibly, unconditionally. He wasn't just a friend, he was a brother. Him and his family have loved me so incredibly much, so well. And because we were practically family, sometimes we would fight like siblings, but no matter how frustrated I would get with him I knew he loved me, and I always loved him, even at my most anger filled moments. He always wanted a hug, and always wanted people to know they were loved. His generosity and great love for all around him could break through the highest brick walls of peoples hearts. I am a better person for knowing him. I will miss his bright smile and deep love so much, but I know he is finally running in Heaven. Heck, he's probably a track star by now :)   

C.S. Lewis once said, "My idea of God is not a divine idea. It has to be shattered time after time. He shatters it Himself." I have seen this cultivating in me during this time. With grief, you never know what to expect. On minute you're completely fine, the next you are falling apart. God shatters your idea of Him time after time; Guiding, loving, and calling you toward Him.

Tim Keller once said this about pain and suffering, "There is a purpose to it, and if faced rightly, it can drive us like a nail deep into the love of God and into more stability and spiritual power than you can imagine." Pain is hard, it's sad, and it takes a lot of work. But these words have been comfort to me. In this He strengthens us. When you press into Him and seek Him, you will discover power and love like you could never even think to imagine.

With all of that being said, this is hard. It's sad. But I know where my Papa and Tony are. Papa is tending God's beautiful lavish Garden and Tony is Running miles upon miles. God used them both in so many incredible ways while they were here for a short time. And when it came time God spoke to them saying "well done, my good and faithful servant."

Monday, October 14, 2013

A Birthday for Change

Hey guys!

So my birthday is coming up in about three weeks, and this year I want to do something different! This year instead of giving my presents I'm asking you to join me in supporting an awesome organization called Charity Water. This organization brings clean water to countries that do not have access to clean drinking water, creating sustainable resources and helping improve the overall health of the people of the area.

If this sounds like something you want to be a part of you can donate online to the campaign I've created, called "birthday for Change". If you want to hear a little more about the organization you can visit their website at:

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has." -Margaret Mead-

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer Update

A lot of people have been asking how Texas has been so far, so I figured I would give a little update! 

Texas has been great! I've been here almost a month now! Crazy! It took some adjusting at first, but I'm so excited to be here. God has been teaching me so much about life and myself since I've been here. And it has been so cool to see how a different church functions! Everyone here has been incredibly kind and extremely hospitable! 

So, what am I actually doing? A lot of things! I ran my first game ever last Sunday! Chubby bunny (If you don't know what that is, look it up. So fun!) I've also been co-running a small group for the junior girls in the high school group. My co has so much wisdom to learn from and the girls are so great! I've had the opportunity to spend some one one one time with a few of them and look forward to getting to know all of them more! In about 3 weeks, or so we will be leaving for camp! So there will be a lot of prep for that coming up soon. Also, those 3 weeks leading up to camp there is this thing called SB games! Teams, competition, and fun! It's going to be great! 

So do I like Texas? Yes! It's been fun and there's so much ahead! 

Here's a couple other highlights thus far: 
(There's a lot more highlights, I just need to get better at taking pictures of them)

Pappasitos! Delicious Tex-Mex

We visited The Village Church in Flowermound

Cool wall at The Village

God is teaching me so much and I'm so excited to see where this summer takes me in so many different ways! 

Thank you all for your continued prayer and support!

Fully His, 

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baked Oatmeal

Every now and then I find a recipe I really love. Most of the time it's coffee! But this time it's not! This is Baked oatmeal! I heard about it from a wonderful friend from home! It's perfect for breakfast, not sweet, and great for on the go! Shoot I could live on this stuff!


-3 C. Oats
-1 C. Brown Sugar (I used 3/4 c. not a huge sweets fan)
-2 tsp. Cinnamon
-2 tsp. Baking Powder
-1 tsp. Salt
-1 C. Milk (I used Coconut Milk and it was Fabulous)
-2 eggs
-1/2 C. Melted Butter
-2 tsp. Vanilla Extract
-1 C. Berries (the recipe calls for cranberries, I used blueberries)  

Mix all together. Pour into a greased 9x13 pan, or smaller. Bake 350 about 30 mins. 
Don't want it to be dry! 

Savor and Enjoy! (With a nice cup of coffee!)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Travelling Adventures

Typical Flight Essentials

I love traveling! There's something about it that just makes me happy. I even like flying! I love the airport... possibly because it is the primo people watching place. People are truly interesting creatures and the airport is one place you will definitely see this! Also, I love getting to the airport early! I get my coffee, find a good magazine and sit! It's perfect prep for a long flight! I'm weird, I know. 

Flying into Dallas

Anyways, today I traveled to Dallas, where I will be spending a big part of my summer! As we were flying into Dallas I became overwhelmed with joy. I look back and see how far I have come. I'm living my life. I'm following God where He is calling me. And I feel His grasp on my life like never before. 

It's hard to see the big picture when you're in it. Today was a perfect time to reflect (airplane rides to that to you). These last two years have been a roller coaster. So many amazing times and rough times to guide me to better times. All of the tears, hard lessons and frustrations are more than worth it. I would rather be uncomfortable, it makes me feel alive. It's a weird paradox of love and hate. In hindsight, mostly love. 

These are the times that God whispers soft reminders to me to trust Him. Trust Him more, more often, with a deeper trust. He's got my back. He know what's going on. And for that I am so incredibly grateful. 

I feel literally amazed at what God has allowed me to be a part of in His plan so far, and I am so looking forward to what He has in store, because I know it's going to be wild and amazing!

The heart of a man plans his way,

but The Lord establishes his steps. 
{Proverbs 16:9}

Friday, May 31, 2013

Living the Life to the Full

Over the last two years God has really blessed me and allowed me to go on amazing adventures! I literally cannot believe what He has allowed me to do and be a part of. From Hungary, to Mexico, to going to college, and now he's sending me somewhere new! Texas! I'm so excited!

In two days I will be leaving for Texas, where I will be interning at a church, working with high school students! I'm really looking forward to be working in ministry in this capacity, in a completely new place, with new people! I'm interested to see how ministry is in a different culture, from what I'm used to. And I'm excited to see what God will do this summer in me and through me!

On top of all of this, I have been offered a position in the premier traveling singing group at my school! I am so humbled at this opportunity and feel so blessed! It is still very surreal. I cannot wait for next year! It will be such an exciting year singing and traveling with this group! I am so in awe.  

God is doing some amazing things in my life, and sometimes I just can't believe it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm dreaming! Two years ago I couldn't have even fathomed that this is where I would be right now. I am so grateful for a God who always has a greater, bigger and better plan. I'm grateful for amazingly loving people that God has put in my life to support, encourage and love on me. They continue to show me God's grace and unconditional love, especially on the bad days. I really do feel like I am living the "life to the full" that Jesus talks about in John 10:10.

It has been a long road, and there is a long journey to come! The road has been watered with many tears. Nothing comes easy. And even in the good, there is hard work. But the hard times, and the tears are all worth it. Perseverance indeed does produce steadfastness. And when you truly trust God, and surrender your life to Him, He will guide you to amazing things.

Monday, April 15, 2013

All My Ducks In A Row...

College is a weird thing. You come to school,build a new home, new relationships, and really a new life. Then for four months you live this other life, completely away from the one life... Then you go back to this one life for another year! And this all comes to a culmination at the end of the school year, every year! If you've ever been in college you know that the end of the semester brings a lot of stress, sometimes more than needed. And I'm sure far too often much of it is self inflicted. Nonetheless, I'm feeling it! There is an overwhelming feeling of anxiety, stress and worry, and an urgency to not waste any time but to keep going!

In all of this it's easy to let the important things fall by the wayside. For me it's forgetting to take the time to sit in silence and just spend time with God in peace. The other day, God reminded me just how desperately I was in need of this time of peace. So I took my Bible, and coffee and spent some time outside, enjoying the lovely Phoenix weather. During this time, God reminded me of this passage:  
Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.” {Luke 10:38-42}

I love this story... ironically. Because far too often my life looks like this, and not in a good way. Also, I love that Martha rebukes Jesus. Not because it's what we should do, but it is something we do far too often. Between school, my summer plans, and my future as a whole, I've been so distracted, anxious and troubled. I've been so focused about getting my ducks in a row... So focused trying to control everything. I've allowed these distracting thoughts to sneak in and take over my life. My soul is longing for time with God, and my spirit is needing to be filled desperately. And instead of filling it, I'm depriving it!

In this story, Jesus tells Martha "but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her." (Luke 10:42). Jesus uses the word "necessary", so whatever this "good portion" is must be essential in her relationship with Jesus. Psalm 16:5 says,"The Lord is my chosen portion and my cup; you hold my lot."  It is clear that this good portion is Jesus. And how true is this. Isaiah 26:3 says "You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you." When we trust God, and seek Him, only then will be find this peace and rest.

I am a controlaholic. I continuously try to control my life, schedule and future, and I find the most peace when I know that everything is organized, and all my ducks are in a row. The problem is, control is something that will never fulfill, it is something fleeting.

Today I'm choosing the good portion, the only one who will fulfill and give real peace.

Maybe for you it's not control. But I would encourage you to consider what you are trying to fill your life with? What are you being distracted by?